Advanced Project Techniques

experience + innovation

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Profile - Introduction


Who we are

How we work

Our experience

Notes on oil industry projects


Our Profile


Apt Projects is a small consultancy offering services related to Project Management and Project Risk Management.

Our experience is broad based, which enables us to take a balanced viewpoint, and includes the following:

  • UK and international
  • project and corporate management
  • client and contractor
  • proposing, winning and managing projects

Our work is conducted with technical rigour. We have developed a systematic approach to all of the areas in which we consult, rooted in widely recognised procedures and models, and our work is auditable against these methodologies.

We are equally happy to undertake consulting assignments or to offer project services for our clients. Our charging structure means that these services provide a very economical alternative.

Our range of services are listed on the Services page.


The world of project management is changing rapidly with the introduction of new technology and we always keep abreast of the latest developments. We are extremely competent in diverse areas such as financial simulations, risk analysis and decision support, all of which are covered elsewhere on this website. A high percentage of our time is spent on researching the latest PM techniques and methodologies. We develop all the applications software we use in our consulting assignments.

Our Philosophy

We have a distinctive approach which stems from the fact that we have extensive and successful industry experience, moving into the consultancy field at a later stage.

We become involved in a new assignment only when there's agreement that we can make a real difference, and hence there's high confidence that our input will be effective.

We believe strongly that one should have hands-on experience in an area before one can advise others. For this reason we continue to be involved in the provision of project management services as well as consultancy.


Case Study

Module construction picture

A Successful Project

This was a conventional (if substantial) fabrication contract which required the straightforward application of sound PM principles and procedures. An interesting feature was the use of a Remeasurable Schedule of Rates to allow for anticipated design changes, which worked well in practice.

Ambitious performance improvement targets were set for the subsequent contracts and achieved (performance improvements of 15% achieved successively on two subsequent phases). This was a dramatic illustration of the "learning curve" effect which is well known in manufacturing but infrequently encountered in construction.

The main lesson here is that successful projects often require no more than conventional PM techniques applied consistently, and and good alignment with the client and the designer..

Footnote: one of the pictures in the sequence above shows a large deck section being lifted into position on a module. The underside of the deck had been largely outfitted at ground level with process pipework and services, leading to significant productivity improvements and a safer working environment compared to outfitting in-situ. This has now become widespread practice in the industry

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